What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what's going on.
- Jacques Cousteu

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I never met a mushroom I didn't like

As I was looking around online for Christmas gift ideas, I came across this site: uncommongoods.com.

They have a variety of unusual gifts, home items, clothing, and other random stuff. One of the cool things I came across was a mushroom growing kit. They claim that in just 10 days you can harvest your first batch of up to 1.5 pounds of oyster mushrooms and the kit can yield up to 4 harvests. All you have to do is mist it with water. I am intrigued. I've never met a mushroom I didn't like. Seriously, I could eat them in one form or another (sauteed, fried, baked, raw) at every meal. But, I think that I want someone else to play the guinea pig for this first, so I will probably send one to a friend for Christmas and see how it goes. The user reviews are all really good, so I am thinking it probably works. With shipping, if you actually get 4 harvests, it is about the same price you would pay for them in the grocery store. Anyway, if you are looking for something different, and maybe a little odd, to give someone, definitely check this site out.


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